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bruh he just throw that sword like nothing lol

AuroraMooon • 1 year ago

I guess MCs realm depends on him merging with his other half but umm this other side of him is blood thirsty if MC merges with it, it might end being the dominant personality. I’m all for blôod bath if it makes sense but other part of his soul would kïll anything.

ShoutinginaEmptyvalley • 1 year ago

If you risk your life I will give you a chance to give you a chance, at Giving you a chance to date me Just like real life

ShoutinginaEmptyvalley • 1 year ago

this skank is really putting me off

OfficialDrixMalone • 2 years ago

This is pretty interesting.

ShoutinginaEmptyvalley • 1 year ago


OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

I'm guessing "kys" means k!ll yourself?? If I do will you be happy and finally stop attacking me lol??